A long time coming

It’s been a long time since I’ve written a proper blog post. Well, I don’t even know what a “proper” blog post is at this point. Is it something that’s written consistently? Does it need a defined topic? I don’t know, but that’s something for another day.

What matters is actually writing something. I don’t really plan on having a proper schedule for this, and honestly I don’t even know if anyone is going to read this (nor will I know, since I’m not keeping track of any analytics). This is really a place for me to just put my thoughts down. If I have something fun to share, like a new project that I’m working on at home, or a cool piece of code I’ve written, maybe I’ll share it here too. In either case, expect to see a not-so-frequent-but-maybe-frequent stream of updates. No promises on quality of content either.

In the past, I would use this as a place for tracking my workouts and talking about some nutrition items that I’ve been working on. That’s something that I would really like to get back to. I need to start making my health a priority as I’ve been putting it off for too long. I’m still young, but won’t get any younger so the most I can do now, the better off I’ll be in the future.

Anyway, here’s a picture of a cat for fun.

Image of a cat